Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What i dont get...& the V-card

What i don't get...& the V-card
Today was a boring day but luckily i have lots of stuff to rant about.

What i don't get: Bored, thought I'd text Rob*. What turned from reminiscing to a mess: Should've been expected on my part. I love you; Three words that of all people i cant have heard by this one semi-significant boy. How can you love a girl that you haven't texted or called for months, or that you haven't realized shes deleted you off her facebook.Again. When SHE texts you, you don't seem invested in the conversation. I don't get it. So i had to tell him. Truth is that i really care about him, but i don't love him. We've never been in a relationship. And even as a friend things always drifted to talks about "Us". I used to say i loved Rob* as a friend but i can't even say that now. He Loves me but he doesn't care about me. A big fight then i have to sit and here his sexual conquest in class. I don't forget that kinda stuff.Flipping out because i don't wanna hug u, All the drama. I can get past. The one thing holding me back from him. It doesn't matter, hes gonna keep player playing.. I don't get it one bit.

Whether religious or not, an act of abstinence or celibacy is there. Mine happens to be religious; in 5th grade "i found Jesus". Religious for a while but not so much any more. Back then i used god as my crutch for survival.Now he's there for support, not as means to live. I made my Purity pledge and I've stuck with it. It's not something I'm willing to give up. Even if i didn't believe in god i don't think I'd want to have pre-martial sex. Its hard, it always hurt me.Guys, they don't get it. Most say they do but down the line, i get cut again. A lot say if it was just sex, not oral they could do that. But apparently no intimacy means no go. I'm still waiting for the guy that doesn't assume a big breasted women means easy. I'm still waiting for the day that my abstinence doesn't shame me....

(Sorry for the long post, i just gotta vent)

Today's Outfit:

Today's grievance's: Men.

Too much shaking my head today.Maybe its all the disgrace

*Name has been changed :)

1 comment:

  1. You should be very, very proud of your stand. It's rare to see a young woman have those kinds of morals - embrace it and don't do what you don't want to do because others expect it of you. It doesn't make you strange; it makes you special.
